Computer Magic’s Response to COVID-19
Computer Magic will continue to provide support to our clients during these difficult times. We are taking steps and have plans in place to mitigate the risk of exposure to and transmission of COVID-19 and maintain the health and safety of our clients, and employees. We will continue to use every effort to deliver uninterrupted essential services to our clients.
- Customer Support: Computer Magic is structured to operate anywhere at any time. Our cloud infrastructure and secure connections to client environments allow us to operate uninterrupted in the event our employees cannot go into the office.
- On-site Support: Computer Magic will drop off hardware that is required and walk you through the process of setting up, if necessary. We will take all the required precautions to protect our employees and clients from possible exposure when making deliveries. We will continue unless events require us to adjust this arrangement. Should you have any limitations/restrictions on vendor visits, please let us know and we will respect and honor them.
- Travel: As of today, Computer Magic is limiting all non-essential travel to reduce the risk of possible exposure. We will keep this measure in place if necessary. *Computer Magic employees are currently working from home at this point in time.
This situation is affecting all of us on a global scale. We are fortunate, as a State, to be weathering this storm well; however, we want to be sure that we have the processes and plans in place to be able to deliver and respond to issues that affect your business and security should the worst happen.
As an essential business “that supplies other essential businesses with the support…necessary to operate,” Computer Magic will continue to service our clients, without interruption. In alignment with the current situation, all support and meetings that can be done remotely will be done remotely. On-site visits will be limited to the delivery of hardware. We also recognize that this is a difficult time for all of us and the Madison community. Businesses and employees that were not ready to work from home need help; be it technically or financially. We want to do our part in helping EVERYONE get through this together. If you or someone you know (even if they are not a Computer Magic client) are in a rough spot and could use our support in any way, please reach out to us. We want to do our part in helping the community weather this storm.
Free Communication Resources for Your Business:
- Microsoft Teams: Curious about Teams, but not sure where to start? View the video to learn more about using this application.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlD_YJ6GN1HnBqUK9XQcl3EB2J3AwdyOq - Zoom Meetings: This blog created by Zoom offers online education materials. Check it out! https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/02/26/zoom-commitment-usersupport-business-continuity-during-coronavirus-outbreak/
Free Cybersecurity Resources for Your Business:
Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Guide: Providing business owners with strategic guidance, promoting a national unity of effort, and coordinating the overall federal effort to ensure the security and resilience of the Nation's critical infrastructure: https://www.cisa.gov/publication/guidance-essential-criticalinfrastructure-workforce
SANS Security Policy Resource: This research project of the SANS community offers a consensus of rapid development and implementation of information security policies: https://www.sans.org/security-resources/policies/
Also, check out their Pandemic Response Planning Policy:
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