12 Simple Ways to Improve Your Business the Next 100 Days

February 11th, 2014

hands-65342_640Drastic change can come with simple, daily improvements, and you don’t have to wait a long time to see the measurable results that come from positive actions. The key is consistency. Commit to follow-through for 100 days.

  1. Clear out clutter, one day at a time. Make a list of areas to de-clutter, and assign one to a day over the next 100 days. You may only need to organize one day a week – how often depends on how many areas make the list. The schedule might include: Day 1 organize magazines; Day 5 declutter office supplies; Day 10 alphabetize top file drawer.
  2. A place for everything, and everything in its place. For the next 100 days faithfully follow these rules to keep your office in order: if you take it out, put it back; if you open it, close it; if you take it off, hang it up.
  3. Look around your office for the things that you have been tolerating or putting off. Fix one on each day. Some examples: setup automatic fax numbers; import contact list to new computer, or read the article that is waiting in a stack.
  4. Know your favorite things; make a list of 20 things that you enjoy doing at work. Make sure that you do at least one of them every day. This might include: bringing your lunch to work, sharing your enthusiasm on a product, or following up with your favorite clients.
  5. Laugh out loud – at least once a day for the next 100 days. Get a calendar with daily jokes, or have them delivered via email or messaging.
  6. Learn something new about your industry, every day. Find a resource such as a journal, blog or email list that can help keep you connected.
  7. Stop complaining. The negative thoughts lead to negative actions. For the next 100 days, be conscious of any complaining and immediately stop yourself.
  8. Train yourself to enjoy getting up earlier. Set the alarm for one minute earlier each day. As soon as the alarm goes off get up, stretch, let in some light. After 100 days, you will be waking up an hour and forty minutes earlier than you are now.
  9. Become intimately familiar with your budget. Pay attention to how the decisions you make will affect the finances – by generating income or creating an expense. Track the impact you can make.
  10. Scour the expense list to identify where money can be saved. For example, the subscription service is not being utilized and can be cancelled, you find a more cost effective communications tool, or discover how to save on office supplies.
  11. Track your time for 5 days and create a time budget. Then stick to it for the remaining 95 days. This will help identify when you are most effective.
  12. Choose one low-priority activity and commit to stop doing it for 100 days. Spend the time on a high priority activity instead.

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