The new stats are in: out of every hour an average Internet user spends on the Internet in a day, 16 of those minutes are spent on a social media network. Whether that social media website is Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram, the amount of time we spend devoting our lives to keeping up on businesses and people is astounding. If you haven’t established a presence on these websites, you’re missing out on the opportunity to actively seek after business you might not ever get otherwise. If you’re starting from scratch, here are just a few tips to get you pointed in the right direction.
Set a Very Strict Schedule
Let’s say you want to update your company blog every week. That can be a challenge, especially considering just how fast a week goes when you own a small business. However, when you do have the time, writing multiple blogs is a great idea. This way, you’ll have a few backups in case you didn’t get to actually writing a blog that week and it won’t mess up your schedule. The same goes for scheduling posts on Facebook and other social media websites. Set a schedule so nothing gets left out and forgotten about.
Don’t Get Stuck on One Type of Content
While posting your blogs and other information on your social media websites is an excellent start, there are other things to consider when you’re maintaining a social media page. For example, there are probably tons of questions you could ask your potential audience, and when they’re paired with a picture or funny meme, you might get the ball rolling on quite a few conversations. If you get stuck on one type of content, people may begin to ignore your company because they’re sick of seeing the same sort of thing day in and day out. If you talk too much about yourself and the information you post isn’t as helpful as it should be, this can be a major downfall as well.
It’s All about Interaction
Don’t leave that blog comment unanswered. Don’t leave that question on Facebook to rot while you do something else that’s important to your business. Not only are you going to let the person down who asked the question in the first place, other people are going to see that unanswered query as well. That reflects poorly on your business, no matter how pretty and updated your page is otherwise. Always interact when a customer or potential customer gives you the opportunity to do so – you will not regret it.
Starting a social media presence from scratch can be a challenge, but if you keep at it and continue to work as hard as you can to form a well-rounded web presence, you’ll reap the benefits sooner rather than later when you follow a schedule, vary your content, and interact with those who wish to interact with you.
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