Keeping our data safe and secure is a very serious matter, but there are a few things that can be done to keep precious information safe from external invasions as well as an unforeseen, internal malfunction.
1. Use some sort of a reactive software protection like anti-malware, which is just a basic requirement for all initial protection on every computer.
2. Data are easily degraded or even totally destroyed by spyware and viruses. Install and use regularly an effective anti-spyware.
3. Block dangerous programs by using some type of a firewall. This should be considered your first line of defense against dangerous programs like spyware and viruses before they can penetrate your system. Although several software companies offer firewall protection, the best level of security protection comes from hardware-based firewalls. These are frequently built into network routers.
4. Suspicious emails and emails with any sort of attachments from unknown sources should never be opened. This amounts to employee education and is a point that should be hammered home at every opportunity.
5. Malicious and aggravating spyware most often attach themselves to adult-type websites, so stay clear of them to avoid being infected. Consider blocking this content at your business.
6. Update your system frequently to stay current and repair any and all security holes with the newest updates from Apple or Microsoft.
7. Consistently back up data. This is crucial. Back up to either a separate source or use an online backup solution on a regular basis this way important files always stay secure.
Data security should be one of the important areas of concern for any small business owner. One security breach could result in your customers’ personal information as well as your company’s financial information being stolen or corrupted which could have damaging consequences.
It is estimated that in 2008 alone an alarming 285 million data records were compromised, and of this number, 74 percent were tampered with by outside sources.
More Data Protection Methods That You Cannot Do Without
1. The easiest thing anyone can do to strengthen their security is to implement strong passwords and to change them often, at least every 90 days or so. A combination of lowercase and capital letters, symbols and numbers, and a length of at least 8 to 12 characters is ideal at best. Above all, don’t use any type of personal data in your password (no birthdays, etc.), letters that are in close proximity on the keyboard, or common words simply spelled backwards. Make sure that everyone has their own password and username for every system. Do not ever use just one shared password, and above all don’t write the password down anywhere. Memorize it.
2. Encryption software should definitely be used on your laptop. This will change the way the data appears on the hard drive so that unless the proper password is entered the data can’t be read. Because laptops are portable, they are at a much greater risk of being stolen or just simply lost. Lock your laptop in the trunk of your car if you must leave it in the vehicle, but don’t leave it out in plain sight.
3. Mobile phones, especially smartphones, which hold a vast amount of data should have encryption software, password protection, as well as a lock out period and remote wiping. Mobile phones are small, and they are much more likely to be lost or stolen. Remote wiping would be a must if any loss were to occur. IT could simply be called and within the span of about 15 minutes or so all data could be gone completely from the phone.
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