How To Choose The Right Browser

August 6th, 2014

Most people have a favorite browser that they naturally gravitate towards, and proponents of each of the major browsers love to weigh in on the virtues of their favorite and the failings of the others. However, from a practical standpoint there’s more than meets the eye in terms of choosing the right browser to use in certain situations.

Impactful Business Cards – Old And New Style

August 5th, 2014

Sometimes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. That certainly seems to be the case with business cards. While the colors and styling have changed to keep pace with the times and our changing world, the essential elements of a great business card are the same as they ever were.

How To End Blue Screen Nightmares

August 4th, 2014

There was a time when BSOD was an acronym almost everyone was familiar with. You couldn’t look at Windows 3.1 the wrong way without having it crash on you. When Windows 95 came out, it was more or less in tandem with USB connectivity, which back in the day was jokingly called “Plug and Pray” technology because more than half the time, you plugged in your device and it either didn’t work, or you got treated to another Blue Screen of Death.

Is Your System Infected With Malware?

August 2nd, 2014

Sometimes, no matter how careful you are, it can happen. You keep your system up to date, apply all security patches as they come out, you’ve got a good virus scanner installed, and you’re careful with what emails you open and what links you click on.

Virus, Trojan Horse, Worm, Rootkit – What Does It All Mean?

August 1st, 2014

You hear your IT guys toss these terms around all the time. It can be dizzying. They all amount to the same thing, don’t they? The answer to that question is both yes and no.

Broadly speaking, yes; they all infect your computer and cause damage in various forms, but there are subtle differences that make each of these unique.

What You Need to Know About Net Neutrality

July 31st, 2014

We hear a lot of talk about internet neutrality, but what does that really mean? Once we come to some understanding of the term, the next question that naturally follows is, is it applicable? Does it actually apply to the internet we have today?

The Roots Of Internet Neutrality

To understand what internet neutrality actually means, we’ve got to look at the earliest days of the internet.

The Best Way To Stay Anonymous Online

July 30th, 2014

As the number of hacking attacks and identity theft attempts continues to increase, people around the world are gaining a greater and greater appreciation for, and understanding of, the need for privacy. In addition to that, with the NSA making the headlines on an almost daily basis recently for spying on ordinary citizens who have done nothing to warrant it, people are beginning to feel increasingly uneasy.

Six Ways To Sharpen Your Focus In Dull Meetings

July 29th, 2014

Let’s face it, meetings can be boring sometimes, but you’re supposed to be paying attention, right? Here are some useful tips to help you stay sharp when the meeting seems to be droning on forever.

Leave Your Smartphone Behind

The first thing you’re apt to do when you start drifting and getting fidgety is to reach for your trusty smartphone.

2014 Is The Year Of Encryption

July 28th, 2014

The signs are everywhere, and they are disturbing. Now more than ever before in history, everything you do is being watched, recorded and stored for later. It seems that not a week goes by that some new affront is revealed. The attacks on privacy are constant and unrelenting, and worse, they are being carried out by an agency that has virtually unlimited resources.

What You Need To Know About DOS Attacks

July 27th, 2014

You’ve probably heard the term before. Such and so company got hit with a Denial of Service (DOS) attack, but do you know what that actually means? If not, this will give you a quick overview.

First, The Bad News

There’s no defense against a Denial of Service attack.