Who’s Looking At Your Data?

May 16th, 2014

You’ve probably got a good idea who should be looking at your data, the question is, who actually is looking at your data? One would hope that the two lists were close to, if not exactly identical, but what if they’re not, and how could you possibly know?

Depending on the line of work you’re in, there may be a whole lot more people with eyes on your data than you first thought.

Five Important Ways To Re-think Your Product Range

May 14th, 2014

Whether you operate an online retail store, a brick and mortar shop or a combination, it is crucial to review and reexamine your product line at regular intervals. Don’t wait until you see a dip in sales, and never be satisfied with the status quo.

Four Ways To Motivate Your Sales Force Without Using Money

May 13th, 2014

While most employees are perfectly willing to take incentives and bonuses whenever they’re offered, there is more to motivating your sales force than throwing money at them. Tapping into the more relational elements of personnel motivation can help your team feel more fulfilled in their job and increase their loyalty to the company as an entity, as opposed to being loyal to whoever writes the biggest checks.

Do The Four P’s Still Rule Marketing Thinking?

May 12th, 2014

The title posts a perfectly fair and legitimate question. With so much in our world changing so quickly, it’s often good to check even our most basic, bedrock assumptions to see if they still apply. To answer the question posed, let’s first look at the “Four P’s” themselves and see what makes them tick.

How To Make Money By Giving Things Away For Free

May 10th, 2014

Profiting via giveaways works in retail outlets to this day. Create a “loss leader” to lure people into the store – this would either be a free product or something so deeply discounted that it may as well be free – then once they’re in the store, make strategic recommendations about other stuff they need and profit from it.

How to Use A Simple Walk To Get Your Creativity Flowing

May 9th, 2014

If you get the itch to amble over to the window or wander down to the break room when you hit a creative wall it may be you should give in to the impulse. Far from being off task or a time waster, walking appears to be a critical tool to improving productivity and innovative problem solving.

The Secret Of Writing A Really Effective Financial Business Plan

May 8th, 2014

The secret to writing a financial business plan that gets you financed – which is the real measure of its success – is to stay organized and concise. Exactly how to do that and convey all the information you need to convey about your new business idea will be fully explored just below.

Modular Smart Phones – Technology To Rock Your World

May 7th, 2014

It’s a dream come true for every kid who owned a Lego set growing up. The idea of a “modular” phone. Thank Google for it when it hits the market, and make no mistake, it very definitely will. You can put “Project Ara” down as yet another of the whole spate of transformational technologies that are heading our direction.

How To Avoid Procrastination Today (Not Tomorrow)

May 6th, 2014

Procrastination is a tricky habit to break but it is far from impossible. First you need to determine why you put things off. Next you want to develop a plan that will fit well within the matrix of your reasons for procrastination and the tasks you need to complete.